
PAF Awards $50,000 新研究补助金

肯·麦克林, 博士, 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校

“化学伴侣治疗以恢复丙酰辅酶A羧化酶折叠突变中的酶活性: 丙酸血症的个性化治疗策略 (PA)“ - 在夏天 2020, PAF获得了 $50,000 授予。”

丙酸血症 (PA) 是一种严重的威胁生命的疾病,目前尚无真正有效的治疗方法. 该疾病是由编码丙酰辅酶A羧化酶的两个基因之一突变引起的 (PCC). 该酶由两种不同的蛋白质组成,它们彼此折叠成一个复杂的结构,这两个分子各有六个. 对于代谢酶来说,这是非常不寻常且复杂的结构,我们实验室的最新工作发现,导致PA的许多特定突变会干扰蛋白质折叠和/或组装过程,导致产生无功能的酶,从而导致问题。因此疾病. 在细胞中, 具有复杂折叠模式的蛋白质通常会被其他称为伴侣蛋白的蛋白质协助折叠. 我们已经观察到,如果使用这些伴侣蛋白正确折叠,许多突变形式的PCC可以恢复正常活动。. 在我们的研究中, 我们将研究多种化学物质,这些化学物质还可以充当分子伴侣并协助蛋白质折叠,以期恢复PCC突变形式的全部活性。. 这项工作将首先在细菌PCC表达系统中进行,以确定有希望的化合物,然后根据进展情况进行, 进入治疗人类PCC患者来源的细胞. 这些研究有可能作为合理设计针对患有导致PA的特定突变的患者的个性化药物策略的第一步。.


PAF Awards $44,253 新研究补助金

拉贾维尔·埃兰戈, 博士, 不列颠哥伦比亚大学


丙酸血症 (PA) 主要是由酶缺陷引起的, propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCC), 在缬氨酸的分解代谢途径中, 异亮氨酸和其他促生前体. PA的饮食管理主要取决于食物中蛋白质的限制,以减少促生氨基酸的供应, 以及特殊医疗食品的使用. 这些医疗食品包含所有必需氨基酸和营养成分, 但没有促生化合物. 最近, 对其使用提出了担忧, 由于支链氨基酸含量不平衡 (BCAA) – 高亮氨酸, 至最小或无缬氨酸和异亮氨酸. BCAA的不平衡混合物会对缬氨酸和异亮氨酸的血浆浓度产生负面影响, 并已建议影响小儿PA患者的生长.

在正在进行的回顾性自然历史研究中 (n = 4), 出生以来在我们中心接受过PA治疗的患者 (或诊断) 到18岁, 我们观察到医疗食品的摄入量较高 (与完整蛋白相比) 导致较低的ht-age年龄Z分数. 根据这些试验数据, 我们建议立即确定需要在医用食品中存在的亮氨酸的最佳量.

因此, 当前研究的具体目标是:

  1. 稳定同位素研究
    1. 使用稳定的基于同位素的指示剂氨基酸方法确定儿童的BCAA的理想比例,以原则证明方法优化蛋白质合成.
    2. 在我们的PA患者队列中使用相同的基于同位素的稳定方法测试BCAA的比率,以确定对蛋白质合成的影响, 和血浆代谢物反应.
  2. 确定使用自然的影响 (完整) 与公式 (医疗食品) 人体测量蛋白, 通过对BC省儿童医院治疗的PA患者的自然历史回顾性研究,了解其生化和临床结果.

最近针对PA的饮食指南正在阻止人们依赖医疗食品作为唯一的饮食来源. 但是,大多数患有PA的人都有营养不良的风险,并依赖这些医疗食品作为容易忍受的能量和蛋白质来源. 从而, 确定PA医疗食品中BCAA的最佳比例对于优化蛋白质合成是必要的, 促进合成代谢, 生长并防止有毒代谢产物积累.

我们的实验室, 配备了新型稳定同位素示踪剂,可用于检测蛋白质和氨基酸代谢, 非常适合解决用于PA饮食管理的理想BCAA比例问题,并可能影响健康结果.


PAF等待 2019 雅培营养会议

17日雅培代谢会议: Advances in Management of Inherited Metabolic Disorders
孟菲斯, TN 5月30日六月 1, 2019
通过布列塔尼市史密斯, PAF董事会成员 & 出纳员

PAF有一个表在 2019 雅培代谢会议.

有几个发言和人相关的PA社会辩论. 第一个是博士. 让苏菲, MD, 从谢菲尔德, UK, 谁在有机酸血症发言. 她描述她是如何发现她的病人的代谢危机,他们的肝脏可以放大非常迅速. 博士. 邑也描述了她是如何使用Carbaglu危机局势中,它带来了氨水平下来她的病人. 这种药物也显示出改善患者的生活质量与使用PA用药, 这是通过使用PedsQL所示, 生活调查工具质量. Carbaglu在欧洲已经使用了 15 years.

三个营养师介绍了应急准备联合发言, 详细说明对他们的诊所服务的诊所,工作人员和家属也自然灾害的影响. 艾米·坎宁安, RD; 苏珊·霍兰德, RD; 和希瑟·萨维德拉, RD, 每一个细节的自然灾害,他们不得不在自己的国家地区, 其中包括一些野火, 飓风, 洪水, 干旱, 和地震. 他们不仅影响家庭, 但临床操作. 在某些情况下,医院和诊所被关闭数月. Families, too, 被显著影响,并且在一种情况下, 利用该诊所的一个家庭只有 5-10 分钟逃离自己的家. 总体, 他们表示,需要对所有的代谢诊所和新生儿筛查办事处创建应急准备计划, 以及, 帮助受影响的家庭准备以及.

我想提的最后一次会议是一个辩论环节中,一队医生和营养师每一个不得不讨论治疗建议的一面. 一个是对肝移植是否鼓励或抑制代谢家庭调查肝移植. 虽然争论很有趣, 随后进行的讨论是凄美; 他们是开放的,如果他们谎报事实被纠正, 一个是利用那些有PA和国别主任肝脏的“多米诺骨牌”移植, 另一个是,他们都建议,鼓励他们的家人寻求信息和下井治疗途径,如果家长觉得这是什么最好.



大新闻 - “丙酸血症营养指南”现已发布!

营养指导委员会很高兴地宣布,有机酸血症工作组日前发布的“丙酸血症 (支柱) 营养指南”于2月, 2019 问题在于 分子遗传学和代谢. 这篇文章是可用的,并且可以在没有成本下载

道具/ PA营养指引的公布 分子遗传学和代谢 带来了最新的证据- 和基于共识的营养管理建议临床医生的注意, researchers, 政策制定者, 保险公司, 和患者.

新的 对于PROP营养管理指南/ PA提供:

  • 新的方向,包括:
    • 更加注重营养的需求,如营养摄入量, 营养干预, 补充, 等.
    • 不太重视医疗管理已覆盖以前的出版物;
    • 其他主题如监控,以保证营养充足, 怀孕和哺乳期的营养问题, 营养管理的继发性并发症如胰腺炎, 最后一节解决肝移植前的营养管理, during, 和手术后.


两个面向消费者的碎片, Frequently Asked Questions and a 消费小结, 为患者提供与家庭信息与他们的供应商进行交互时使用. 摘要突出了关键的建议,并认为问题的病人和家属可能希望与代谢团队讨论.

  • 当患者和卫生保健提供者 (医疗专业人员) 具有相同的信息, 他们可以作为一个团队一起工作,以确定最适合病人的情况治疗.
  • 您可以在遗传代谢营养师国际访问这些片 (GM) 或东南亚遗传学网络网站位于
  • 新准则应导致整个中心医护服务的一致性.
    • 有列入准则的几个重要的资源,包括推荐的营养摄入量, 监测时间表, 和营养干预表.
    • 一个网站,提供用于开发指南中的所有资源和参考,请让保健医生和其他人可以容易地得到在上面所列出的网站相关指引的背景资料.
    • 从公布的研究规范发展的方法利用证据, 基于实践的医学文献和专家共识的过程.

SIMD 2019


吉尔Chertow和玛丽亚大号. Cotrina代表PAF和PA社区在社会为遗传代谢性疾病 (SIMD) 41上月日年会 6-9, 2019 在Bellevue, 华盛顿. 丙酸血症基金会 (PAF) partners with the National Urea Cycle Disorders Foundation (NUCDF) in sharing an exhbition booth.

Maria L. Cotrina分享了她的海报上 “在丙酸血症自闭症/ ASD高发: 从丙酸血症数据和尿素循环障碍注册表。”



阿里安娜˚F. Anzmann, MS是SIMD创始人奖获得者 (最好的口头报告受训者). 她的介绍 “多组学研究中Methylmalonc血症和丙酸血症的患者衍生和CRISPR编辑蜂窝模型显示失调FO丝氨酸代谢: 新方向细胞发病机理在支链氨基酸代谢紊乱。” 是的结果 2017 PAF授予的授权希拉里弗农, MD, 博士, 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的项目 “Targeting Serine and Thiol Metabolism in Propionic Acidemia”.

丙酸血症基础研究资助 – 理查德

PAF Awards $33,082.12 研究补助金 2019

PAF Awards $30,591 继续补助金 2020

伊娃理查德, 博士, 马德里自治大学, 西班牙


了解发生在遗传性疾病的细胞和分子机制是对新战略的预防和治疗的研究至关重要. 在此背景下, 诱导多能干细胞 (IPSC) 提供了前所未有的机会,为人类疾病模型. 其中的iPSC技术的根本权力掌握在这些细胞的能力被引导到成为身体中的任何细胞类型, 从而使研究人员能够检查疾病机制和识别和相关的细胞类型测试新的治疗.

该项目的主要目标是专注于人iPSC衍生的心肌细胞的产生 (的hiPSC-CMS) 从丙酸血症 (PA) 患者作为disease.In PA一个新的人类细胞模型, 心脏症状, 即心功能不全和心律失常, 已被确认为导致疾病死亡的主要原因之一渐进迟发性并发症. 使用的hiPSC-CMS我们将研究细胞过程, 诸如已经被确认为PA病理生理学主要贡献者线粒体功能和氧化应激. 此外, 我们的目的是使用高通量技术,如RNA测序和miRNA分析解开新颖改变的途径. 我们也将研究在PA心肌细胞抗氧化剂的潜在的有利影响和线粒体生物活化剂. 从这个项目中获得的结果将是相关的疾病提供洞察到受影响的生物过程, 并且从而提供工具和模型的用于PA新颖辅助治疗的识别.

更新四月 2020 – 伊娃理查德博士

由于丙酸血症 (PA) 基础, 我们已经基于诱导的多能干细胞开发了一种新的PA细胞模型 (IPSC) 目的是定义可能成为潜在治疗靶点的新的PA病理机制. 传统, 疾病病理生理进行了研究永生化或人类细胞系和动物模型. Unfortunately, 永生化细胞通常不响应,因为原代细胞和动物模型不能准确地概括患者的临床症状. So far, 患者成纤维细胞已经被主要用作PA细胞模型,由于其可用性和耐用性, 但他们有很大的局限性. 对体细胞重编程到iPS细胞的能力已经彻底改变了人类疾病模型的方法. 为了研究罕见疾病,

我们已经从患者来源的成纤维细胞中产生了两个iPSC品系并对其进行了表征,这些品系具有PCCA和PCCB基因的缺陷; 和同基因对照,其中使用CRISPR / Cas9技术对PCCB患者的突变进行了基因校正. 这些iPSC品系已成功分化为心肌细胞,
通过目视观察自发性收缩区域和表达几种心脏标志物可以很容易地确定它们的存在. PCCA iPSC衍生的心肌细胞减少了耗氧量, 残留体和脂质滴的堆积, 并增加核糖体生物发生. 此外, 我们发现HERP的蛋白质水平升高, GRP78, GRP75, SIG-1R和MFN2建议
这些细胞的内质网应激和钙微扰. 我们还分析了一系列先前在PA鼠模型的心脏组织中失控的富含心脏的miRNA,并证实了它们的表达改变.

本研究代表了PA患者成纤维细胞重编程产生的源自iPSC的心肌细胞特征的第一份报告. 我们的结果提供了证据,表明几种病理机制可能与心脏功能障碍有关, PA疾病的常见并发症. 这种新的细胞PA模型提供了一种强大的工具,可以揭示疾病的机理和, 潜在地, 使毒品
筛查/药物测试. 尽管过去几十年来治疗方法有所改善, PA患者的预后仍然不理想, 强调需要评估旨在预防或减轻临床症状的新疗法. 需要进行额外的研究以确定这项工作中确定的机制对心脏表型的贡献,以及这些知识如何帮助制定更好的个性化治疗方法

我们衷心感谢丙酸血症基金会支持我们的调查, 为我们带来了真正激励人心的体验, 感觉我们属于PA研究大家庭. 我们获得的资金已导致PA病理生理学的重要进展, 我们的目标是在不久的将来继续进行这项研究.

九月更新 2019 – 伊娃理查德博士

存在未满足临床需要制定有效的治疗丙酸血症 (PA). 在支持治疗进展基于饮食限制和肉碱已经允许病人活过新生儿期. 但, 总体结果仍然是大多数患者差, 谁从相关疾病进展众多患有并发症, 他们心间的变化, PA发病率和死亡率的重要原因. In our research, 我们开发的PA的新的细胞模型基于诱导多能干细胞 (IPSC) 与限定参与PA的病理生理学新的分子途径的目标这将是潜在的靶向治疗.

传统, 疾病病理生理进行了研究永生化或人类细胞系和动物模型. Unfortunately, immortalizedcells往往不回应原代细胞和动物模型不完全概括患者的症状. So far, 患者成纤维细胞已在PAdue主要usedas细胞模型来theiravailability和健壮性, 但他们有很大的局限性.

对体细胞重编程到iPS细胞的能力已经彻底改变了人类疾病模型的方法. 为了研究罕见疾病, 携带患者特异性突变干细胞模型已经成为非常重要的,因为所有的细胞类型可以从iPS细胞分化. 我们已经与缺陷而产生和常表现为两种iPSC系患者成纤维细胞 PCCAPCCB genes. 这些iPSC系可以分化成模拟疾病的组织特异性标志的心肌细胞. PA心肌细胞的存在已经通过自发性收缩区域的视觉观察被容易地建立, 和几种心脏标志物的表达. 我们观察到,PCCA缺陷的心肌细胞中的降解产物和脂滴出现增长, 和对照相比,细胞表现出线粒体功能障碍. 我们进一步发现在PCCA心肌几种miRNA的下调相比那些控制, 和一些miRNA的靶标,目前正在以研究潜在的细胞病理机制分析. Interestingly, 我们已经进行了几个实验来分析线粒体生物活化剂的作用, MIN-102化合物 (PPAR激动剂, 吡格列酮的衍生物) 在心肌细胞.

初步结果显示,在氧气消耗rateof PCCA和对照细胞的增加. In our next steps, 我们计划完成在PCCA心肌线分析, 表征PCCB心肌细胞和深入研究的MitoQ和MIN-102化合物的治疗潜力.

We would like to sincerely thank the Propionic Acidemia Foundation for supporting our research.

三月更新 2020


伊娃理查德, Associate Professor

存在未满足临床需要制定有效的治疗丙酸血症 (PA). 在支持治疗进展基于饮食限制和肉碱已经允许病人活过新生儿期. 但, 总体结果仍然是大多数患者差, 谁从相关疾病进展众多患有并发症, 他们心间的变化, PA发病率和死亡率的重要原因. In our research, 我们开发的PA的新的细胞模型基于诱导多能干细胞 (IPSC) 与限定参与PA的病理生理学新的分子途径的目标可能是潜在的治疗靶标.

传统, 疾病病理生理进行了研究永生化或人类细胞系和动物模型. Unfortunately, 永生化细胞往往不回应原代细胞和动物模型做不完全综述患者的症状. So far, 患者成纤维细胞已经被主要用作PA细胞模型,由于其可用性和耐用性, 但他们有很大的局限性.

对体细胞重编程到iPS细胞的能力已经彻底改变了人类疾病模型的方法. 为了研究罕见疾病, 携带患者特异性突变干细胞模型已经成为非常重要的,因为所有的细胞类型可以从iPS细胞分化. 我们已经产生并表征来自患者的成纤维细胞2个iPSC系与所述缺陷 PCCAPCCB genes. 这些iPSC系可以分化成模拟疾病的组织特异性标志的心肌细胞. 心肌细胞的存在已经通过自发性收缩区域的视觉观察被容易地建立, 和几种心脏标志物的表达. PCCA的iPSC衍生的心肌显示出的自噬过程的残余体和线粒体功能障碍,其特征在于降低的氧消耗和线粒体生物发生的改变的积累的改变由于PPARGC1A的失调. 我们也评估以前心脏功能障碍和几种miRNA相关的心脏富集的miRNA的表达被发现放松管制. 此外, 我们发现增加HERP的蛋白水平, GRP78, Grp75的, 在这些细胞中的Σ-1R和Mfn2的暗示ER应激和钙扰动.

我们正计划分析PCCB心肌细胞的结果与PCCA和控制数据比较. 我们正在努力,以执行电生理获得成熟的心肌细胞 (K +电流) 使用全细胞膜片钳方法. 我们感兴趣的是从控制得到的组织特异性生物能签名比较心肌细胞和PA patients' iPSC的反相蛋白质芯片的研究 (RPPMA). 未来的工作还包括测试线粒体生物活化剂的作用, MIN-102化合物 (PPAR激动剂, 吡格列酮的衍生物) 和线粒体的PA心肌细胞抗氧化目标的MitoQ.

We would like to sincerely thank the Propionic Acidemia Foundation for supporting our research.





PAF Awards $48,500 Research Grant

Guofang Zhang, 博士, Duke University


能源生产是连续的机械工作的中心心脏代谢. 平均成年人心脏消耗〜 6 公斤ATP /天. ATP存储在心脏仅足以维持心脏跳动了几秒钟. 从各种基材紧密耦合的心脏能量代谢是通过正常的心脏功能所需的足够的ATP产生关键.

棕榈酸的一个分子 (脂肪酸) 产生比葡萄糖的一个分子更ATP确实后,他们的完整metabolism.Fatty酸有助于〜70%-90%的心脏能源生产处于正常状态. 但, 心脏仍保持燃料开关的高弹性响应于各种可用的底物. 乙酰辅酶A是从经由不同途径的多种燃料基板导出的第一会聚代谢物和进入三羧酸循环 (TCAC) 能源生产. 因此, 乙酰-CoA的水平或乙酰辅酶A /辅酶A的比率严格控制从两个主要的燃料中的代谢通量, 即,葡萄糖和脂肪酸, 在心里. 乙酰辅酶A或辅酶A水平也精细地肉碱乙酰调谐 (收弧) 其催化短链酰基辅酶A和acylcarnitines.Acetylcarnitine电平之间的可逆相互转化为〜10-100倍比乙酰-CoA的更大的在心脏和被看作是乙酰辅酶A的缓冲. CRAT在高耗能的器官包括心脏中高度表达,并通过动态地互变乙酰辅酶A和乙酰成CRAT的每个other.The不足介导的脂肪酸和葡萄糖代谢可能已经显示出改变心脏燃料选择.

丙酸血症 (PA) 往往与心脏并发症. 但, 病理机制仍是未知. 我们已经证明,高外源丙酸导致丙酰辅酶A的积累和心脏燃料开关从脂肪酸在正常灌注大鼠心脏成葡萄糖 (上午. 生理学杂志. 内分泌学. 代谢,2018,315:E622-E633). 在PA丙酰辅酶A羧化酶的缺乏也导致丙酰辅酶A的积累. Next, 我们将试图了解是否以及如何提升丙酰辅酶A在 PCCA-/- 心 (与医生合作. 迈克尔·巴里)可以通过调查燃油开关灵活中断心脏能量代谢, CRAT介导的代谢, 和使用稳定同位素基于-代谢通量分析缓冲乙酰的容量 (Ĵ. 生物学. 化学。, 2015,290:8121-32). 我们希望这个项目的结果将患者的PA提供有意义的治疗建议, 尤其是与心脏并发症.

Donations – Talli


Your gift supports our mission to find improved treatments and a cure for Propionic Acidemia by funding research and providing information and support to families and medical professionals. The Propionic Acidemia Foundation is a registered 501 (Ç) 3 non-profit organization. 丙酸血症基金会的捐款可申请免税; 但, 为您的特定情况下,请咨询您的税务顾问. Your gift makes a big impact.

Donate by mail by mailing a check to:


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联系 [email protected] if you would like to donate Stock to Propionic Acidemia Foundation.


彼得 – updated 10/18/18


Hello, my name is Peter and I am 24 years old currently living in Rochester, New York. I have PA. During the first 4 weeks of my life, I was considered “fussy”, but nothing out of the ordinary. At 4 weeks, I experienced projectile vomiting, around the time my mom started supplementing breast milk with formula. I was admitted to the hospital and they believed it was due to my pyloric sphincter (the muscle at stomach opening) and they performed surgery. I stopped vomiting and my health improved for a few weeks, but hindsight suggests it is because I was placed on iv’s and was “cleaned out” during the surgical procedure.

At 6 weeks, I began having absence seizures and was re-admitted to the hospital. A diagnosis came two weeks later. 癫痫发作是甘氨酸水平极度升高的结果,血液/脑屏障穿过脊髓液,,en,他们所能做的就是让我开始进行非违规饮食,等待甘氨酸减少,,en,我开始使用Propimex,,en,我的“特制果汁”,,en,几周后,,en,还在医院,,en,癫痫发作停止了,我从医院出院了,,en,我的早期肌肉张力受到影响,直到我才走路,,en,身体上我似乎推迟了,但其他开发测试是有利的,,en,他们在几年内监测我的身心发展,,en,自从我作为婴儿住院以来,我从未有过相关的代谢“情节”,,en,或任何额外的癫痫发作或住院时间,,en,我的饮食补充了Propimex配方,直到我,,en,我是素食主义者,直到,,en. All they could do was start me on a non-offending diet and wait for the glycine to reduce. I was started on Propimex (my “special juice”), 和 4 weeks later (still in the hospital) the seizures stopped and I was released from the hospital.

My early muscle tone was impacted and I did not walk until 18 months. Physically I seemed delayed but other development testing was favorable. They monitored my physical and mental development over several years.

Since my hospitalization as an infant I have never had a related metabolic “episode”, or any additional seizures or hospital stays.

My diet was supplemented with Propimex formula until I was about 4 years old. I was a vegetarian until 10 years old when I had my first hot dog! My favorite food was and still is pasta. I had bi-annual appointments at the metabolic clinic at the University of Rochester Medical Centerin which a dietician would suggest the amount of protein I should be eating. I took my lunch through my high school years to help control protein amounts. It was relatively easy to stay within the protein guidelines since I did not eat a lot of meat.

In high school, I began having rapid heart palpitations and sometimes struggled in gym class when we had to run long distances.I was sent to a pediatric cardiologist for a baseline EKG and had a slightly prolonged Q time.The doctors determined that I had metabolic induced cardiomyopathy. This has been noted in other PA patients.

I was treated with a low dose beta blocker and blood pressure medication to help manage blood flow and hopefully minimize tachycardia events.I have been monitored yearly and my Q time is now “high normal” along with a normal eco cardiogram for 2 years now. I have learned that if I exercise on a near empty stomach, I feel fine! I do have an occasional adrenaline induced tachycardia but I have learned to manage it bytaking deep breaths to stop it quickly.

I went away to college and graduated with both a Music Business / Vocal Performance Degree, and then followed with a second degree in Business Administration. I lived in the dorms, ate campus food, and had a great college experience! I really did not have any issue eating dormitory food as there were many vegetarian options available. 我倾向于自我调节,真的不是一个大肉食者,,en,我可能会吃肉或鱼2,,en,次每周,,en,顺便说说,,en,我喜欢寿司,,en,我目前在一家销售人力资源的公司担任全国销售代表,,en,当地企业的工资单和其他服务,,en,中学以来,,en,我参与过音乐剧,,en,歌剧制作,,en,和无伴奏合唱团,,en,关于我目前的药物,,en,我目前服用Levo肉碱,将我的游离肉碱保持在正常范围内是一件很困难的事情,,en,我每年进行一次血液检查,唯一提升的是甘氨酸和丙酸水平,,en,所有其他氨基酸保持在正常范围内,,en,如上所述,我服用β受体阻滞剂和ACE抑制剂,,en,我每年都在罗彻斯特医学中心任职,,en. I probably eat meat or fish2 to 3 times a week. By the way, I LOVE sushi.

I am currently employed as a National Sales Representative for a company which sells HR, payroll and other services to local businesses. Since middle school, I have been involved in musicals, opera productions, and a cappella groups.

With respect to my current medications, I currently take Levo carnitine and it can be a struggle to keep my free carnitine in the normal range. I have blood tests once per year and the only thing elevated is glycine and propionic acid levels. All other amino acids remain in the normal range. As mentioned I take a beta blocker and an ACE inhibitor.

I have yearly appointments at U of Rochester Med Center- 儿科遗传学以及每年一次的心脏病专家访问,,en,在我的一生中,U of R一直在努力为员工保留一名全职代谢专家,,en,我现在的医生既包括遗传学和代谢学,也非常忙碌,,en,我从未进行基因分型,我很乐意支持未来的研究或疾病理解,,en,我和我的家人很乐意与感兴趣的人分享细节,,en,那是我的故事,,en,而且我知道我是幸运者之一,,en,我希望我的故事鼓励父母和孩子学习与PA一起生活,,en. Over my lifetime U of R has struggled to keep a full time metabolic specialist on staff. My current physician covers both genetics and metabolics and is extremely busy.

I have never been genetically typed and I would love to support future research or disease understanding. My family and I are happy to share details to anyone who is interested.

That is my story, and I know that I am one of the lucky ones. I do hope that my story encourages parents and children learning to live with PA.

Thank you,

Liver Transplantation Part 2

Liver Transplantation

部分 2: Outcomes Following Liver Transplantation in Children with PA and MMA

James Squires, MD, MS

博士. Squires is a liver disease specialist at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Jodie M. Vento, MGC, LCGC

Jodie Vento is a genetic counselor and manager of the Center for Rare Disease Therapy at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

部分 1 of this article, published in the Spring 2018 issue, provided answers to questions that families may have about what to expect from a liver transplant for a child with Propionic Acidemia (PA). Here, in Part 2, the authors summarize and explain the findings of a recent study of outcomes in children with PA and methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) who received liver transplants at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Why did you do this study?

Before we get to why we did this study, please allow us to back up a bit and briefly discuss the history of liver transplantation for PA and MMA, which was first proposed in the early 1990s. Because the enzyme deficiencies that cause PA and MMA exist throughout the body, not just in the liver, liver transplantation was never expected to be a cure for these diseases. The thinking was that by providing enough functional enzyme to minimize, if not eliminate, metabolic crises­––the most severe complications of PA and MMA for affected children, as well as one of the most frightening features of these diseases for families––a liver transplant could enhance stability and improve quality of life for affected children.

In recent years, policies on the allocation of donor livers in the United States have changed to give priority to patients with PA and MMA because of their risk of sudden, life-threatening metabolic crises. As a result, children with these disorders can now be listed for a liver transplant based on their diagnosis alone rather than on disease complications or severity.

A recent study, based on statistical analysis,found that liver transplantation for PA and MMA may increase both the length and quality of patients’ lives and decrease health care costs over a patient’s lifetime. 但, because PA and MMA are rare disorders, it has been difficult to gather a strong body of evidence showing how well patients fare after undergoing a liver transplant.

The Pediatric Liver Transplant Program at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh was established in 1981 by world-renowned transplant surgeon Thomas E. Starzl, MD, 博士. Our Director of Pediatric Transplantation, George Mazariegos, MD, FACS, pioneered liver transplantation for children with metabolic diseases in 2004. Since then, UPMC Children’s has performed more than 330 liver transplants for children with metabolic diseases, more than any other transplant center. We’ve also performed more liver transplants in children than any other center in the United States and more living-donor transplants than any other pediatric center in the country. Our one-year survival rate for pediatric liver transplant patients is 98%, exceeding the national average of 95%, according to the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (January 2018 release).

We decided to do this study because, given the breadth and depth of our experience in this field, we thought that we could make a useful contribution to medical knowledge by gathering and evaluating all of the information available to us on outcomes for all of the patients who have undergone a liver transplant for PA or MMA at our institution.

How did you do this study?

We searched our medical records database to identify all patients with a diagnosis of either PA or MMA who received either a liver transplant or a combined liver and kidney transplant between 2006 and 2017.To comply with patient privacy regulations, we first removed any and all information that could personally identify these patients. Then we examined data from their medical records and recorded information such as their age and family history, medical treatment received prior to the liver transplant, laboratory tests performed, and how they fared both immediately after the transplant and in the following months and years.

What did the study find?

We identified a total of nine patients with PA (three patients) or MMA (6 patients) who had undergone a liver or liver and kidney transplant at UPMC Children’s between 2006 和 2017. The age at which patients received their transplant ranged from one year old to 21 years old; the median, or midpoint, was nine years old. Five patients were female and four male. Eight of the nine patients had been diagnosed during their first week of life; one patient was diagnosed at age eight months.

Prior to the transplant, all of the patients had been treated with protein restriction and carnitine supplementation. Several were also receiving medication to reduce ammonia levels in the blood. Eight of the nine patients were being fed by a gastrostomy tube (also known as a “G-tube”). All were experiencing frequent metabolic crises that often required hospitalization. Additional disease-related complications included cardiomyopathy (damaged heart muscle), metabolic stroke, pancreatitis, and low blood cell counts.

Five of the six patients with MMA received combined liver and kidney transplants. One patient with MMA and all three patients with PA underwent liver transplants only. Patients’ median post-transplant length of stay in intensive care was just short of 30 days, while the total transplant-related hospital stay averaged 55 days. Patients were followed after their transplant for a median of 3.5 years (range one year to more than 11 years).

Six of the nine patients developed symptoms of liver rejection; one patient developed symptoms of kidney rejection. Rejection episodes were treated with steroids and higher doses of anti-rejection medication to suppress the immune system. None of the nine patients experienced transplant failure.

Two patients needed treatment for blood clots in the main artery that carries blood to the liver. A third patient needed treatment for a blockage in a vein that transports blood from the liver back to the heart.

Four patients experienced a build-up of bile in the liver that was caused by a blocked bile duct and required treatment with a biliary catheter. At the last follow-up, three of the four patients had been able to discontinue use of the biliary catheter.

Five patients developed viral infections that required treatment. No patients experienced a complication known as post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, a dangerous rapid increase in white blood cells that can sometimes occur in people who are taking medication to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ.

No patients have experienced metabolic crises since the transplant. All nine patients showed improved metabolic control––indicated by normal levels of lactic acid in the blood––during the first month after the transplant. Kidney function stabilized or improved in all patients with MMA. At the two-year post-transplant assessment, heart function had improved in a patient with PA and severe cardiomyopathy.

What conclusions can be drawn from the study’s findings?

In this study of nine children with PA or MMA who were followed for an average of 3.5 years, we show 100 percent survival for both patients and their transplanted organs.

For MMA, these findings are similar to those of other recently published reports. For PA, although our population is relatively small (three patients), our finding of 100 percent survival for both patients and transplanted organs stands in contrast to other published reports that found poor survival among patients with PA following a liver transplant.

Still, many patients experienced complications in the period immediately before, during, and after the transplant. The high rate of complications underscores the complexity of these metabolic diseases. The most common complications were those involving the blood vessels, including blood clotting in the main artery of the liver. This complication has been previously reported.

All patients had reduced levels of lactic acid in the blood, indicating improved metabolic control, both shortly after the transplant and at later postoperative follow-up. Complications such as kidney disease (in patients with MMA) and cardiomyopathy (in patients with PA) stabilized and improved after transplantation.

The fact that no patients experienced metabolic crises after transplantation indicates that partial enzyme replacement via a liver transplant enabled a “resetting” of patients’ metabolic fitness.

At UPMC Children’s our approach to nutritional support after a liver transplant has been to gradually ease protein restriction, with the goal of establishing a long-term individualized level of support for each patient. It is unlikely that protein restriction can ever be completely eliminated. 但, the results of this study show that––with close monitoring by an experienced interdisciplinary team––protein restriction can safely be relaxed, in an individualized fashion, after a liver transplant.

What do the study results mean for children with PA and their families?

A liver transplant cannot cure PA. It can, 但, reduce or eliminate metabolic crises and result in greater stability and better quality of life for children with PA. The decision as to whether a liver transplant is right for your child with PA is one that every family must make for themselves, based on their knowledge of their child and in consultation with a multidisciplinary team of experts who specialize in liver transplantation for metabolic diseases.

This study adds to the increasing body of evidence that liver transplantation can be performed safely and successfully in patients with severe, complex metabolic conditions such as PA and MMA, especially when performed at centers with broad and deep experience in the management of these highly challenging conditions.

Reference: Critelli K, McKiernan P, Vockley J, Mazariegos G, Squires RH, Soltys K, Squires JE. Liver Transplantation for Propionic Acidemia and Methylmalonic Acidemia: Peri-operative Management and Clinical Outcomes. In press, Liver Transplantation. Accepted for publication June 2018.