Histoires de famille – Rachel G,,es,Rachel G,,es.

Rachael G.

My name is Rachel. I am 40 years old and have propionic acidemia. I live with my mom and dad. Three days of the week I work at a work center for the disabled and on 2 days I go to work at the Painted Turtle. I love both my jobs but the Painted Turtle is my favorite. I get to paint and do other artwork that is sold to the public.

I love to read and go on my computer. I attend events at my local Special Recreation Program. We go bowling, have dances and attend plays.

Mes vacances préférées sont à Disney World et les croisières Disney,,en,Disney est très bien de moi aider avec mon régime alimentaire spécial,,en,Rachael G,,en. Disney is very good about helping me with my special diet.