RESSOURCES POSSIBLES POUR FRAIS DE aider à assister à la conférence

We know and understand that travel and lodging can be expensive to attend the conference. Dans un effort pour contribuer aux coûts, PAF waives the Conference Registration Fee for individuals with propionic acidemia and their immediate family. La réception du 19 octobre et le déjeuner et le dîner du 20 octobre sont inclus,,en,PAF a choisi l'Embassy Suites par Hilton Columbus OH avec des frais en contrepartie avec un parking libre-service gratuit et fait sur commande pour le petit déjeuner inclus,,en. PAF chose the Embassy Suites by Hilton Columbus OH with expense as a consideration with free self parking and made to order breakfast included.

We have compiled a list with links that may help. Si vous êtes au courant d'autres ressources, please let us know so we can add them. Vous voulez commencer tôt que certains ont des délais. S'il vous plaît nous contacter à [email protected] if you would like help with the process.


Some clinics provide grants to further the education of patients with chronic conditions. Check with your clinics as they may also have other suggestions.


It often pays to ask professional or charitable organizations. These large organizations often promote raising money for worthy causes, including those involving chronic illness. Here is a list of clubs and organizations to get you started. Keep in mind that these usually have a local chapter, and it’s best to deal with them at that level.


The ARC of the United States. Each chapter offers different programs/services, so you need to check your local chapter.


All states have Councils on Developmental Disabilities, and some will fund conference travel. Si votre état ne figure pas ci-dessous, you should take a minute to review your own state’s CDD page in case we have overlooked something. Here is a link to Déficience intellectuelle conseils par État.

For states that are not listed below, if there was no specific link to a consumer investment/empowerment fund, it does not mean there is not such a fund in your state. Contact the council directly and inquire if they have available grants to help families & individuals with disabilities to attend conferences relating to that disability.

Florida: Hannah & Friends

Idaho: Conseil sur une déficience intellectuelle

Illinois: If you are the parents or caretaker of a young child with disabilities, live in North or West Suburban Cook County, Du Page County, McHenry County, Kane County or Lake County and your child is under 6 years of age, Illinois StarNet has a Family Fellowship

Consumer Stipend Funds Application


Hannah & Friends

Fonds d'investissement du consommateur de l'État

Maryland: The state’s Developmental Disabilities Council

New Jersey: Hannah & Friends

New York: Hannah & Friends

Nevada: The Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

North Carolina: Jean Wolff-Rossi pour le Fonds de participation des participants , Application

Ohio: The Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Family Support Program may fund registration costs for conferences for families on topics related to the eligible individual. Prior approval is required for this program to fund training and conference attendance. The cost of these services will be deducted from your total annual program allowance. To check eligibility, email [email protected] or by phone at 216-241-8230.

Rhode Island: Hannah & Friends

Tennessee: The state’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

Utah: Empowerment Fund

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.